The HSE Patient and Public Partnership Conference 2024
Tuesday 24 September
Printworks, Dublin Castle
Dame St, Dublin 2
“Changing patient outcomes: one partnership at a time!”
08:30 Registration and marketplace for partnerships
09:00 Welcome from the Chair: Prof Áine Carroll
09:10 Video Message from the Minister of Health, Minister Stephen Donnelly
09:15 Welcome from the Chief Executive Officer, Health Service Executive - Bernard Gloster
09:25 The evolving partnership journey – for patients and for our HSE
Facilitator: Prof Áine Carroll
Panel: Anne Lawlor, Joe Ryan, Bernard Gloster , Tony Canavan, Christine Fenton, Brendan Whelan
​10:05 The experience of the audience (in person and online) around partnership​
10:30 Coffee & Poster Viewing
Facilitator: Prof Áine Carroll
11:00 “Perfect is the enemy of the good - learning as we go: the evolving approach of the Health Regions Team to partnership” - Ray Bonar and Joan Johnston
11:25 QUESTIONS & COMMENTS from the audience
11:40 “Crossing the digital frontier: how does the Digital Health Team partner with patients and the public to design our digitally-enabled future health care?
Facilitator: Prof Richard Greene
Panel: Muiris O'Connor, Damien McCallion, Dr Derick Mitchell, Sheilagh Foley
12:05 QUESTIONS & COMMENTS from the audience
12:20 “Rethinking our traditional roles – disrupting the Culture to embrace Partnership – is Communication the key?”
​Facilitator and Presenter: Winifred Ryan
Panel: Joe Ryan, Yvonne Traynor, Mary Bridget Collins
12:45 QUESTIONS & COMMENTS from the audience
13:00 Lunch & Poster Viewing
14:00 Question Time with REO's and Patient Partners​
Facilitator: Prof Áine Carroll
REO: Sara Long, Kate Killeen White, Martina Queally, Sandra Broderick, Dr Andy Philips, Dermot Monaghan
Patient Partner: Eamon McPartlin, Bernadette O'Reilly, Anne Lawlor, John Wall, Pauline O'Shea, Robert Joyce​
15:20 High Level Panel
Facilitator: Iolo Eilian
Panel: Siobhan McArdle, Fergus Finlay, Dr Suzanne Crowe, Rebecca O'Riordan, Dr Sarah Barry
16:00 QUESTIONS & COMMENTS from the audience
16:30 Closing of the Conference - Prof Áine Carroll, Anne Lawlor and Joe Ryan
This summit is organised by Abbey Conference & Events, on behalf of the HSE.
If you have any questions, request or require assistance with your booking, please feel free to contact me: PPC2024@abbey.ie