Printworks, Dublin Castle
Printworks, Dublin Castle
Dame St, Dublin 2, Ireland
The HSE Team, Abbey Conference and Dublin Castle are committed to making the HSE Patient and Public Partnership Conference as physically and emotionally welcoming as possible for all.
If you have any accessibility needs that have not been addressed in the following text please, do not hesitate to contact PPC2024@abbey.ie for further information.
The Printworks Building can be accessed via Palace Street. Palace Street is off Dame Street, directly across from the Olympia Theatre.
Dedicated spaces onsite in Dublin Castle's for people with a disabled persons parking card is very limited. Please email PPC2024@abbey.ie if you require this.
There is no car parking at Dublin Castle. There are a number of public car parks nearby. The nearest is the Q -Park Christchurch Carpark, which is located in Werburgh Street.This carpark includes 213 car parking spaces including 3 spaces for people with disabilities. More information regarding the rates in the nearby Q - Park Christchurch Car Park can be found at this link, https://www.q-park.ie/en-gb/cities/dublin/christchurch/
The Printwork building can be accessed via ramp with power assisted doors.
Assistance Dogs
The Printworks Building welcome Assistance Dogs in all parts of the venue and will provide water bowls on request, please ask a member of our staff.
Wheelchair Access
All meeting spaces are wheelchair accessible.
Facilities for visitors with visual impairments
Staff are available to assist visitors with visual impairments if required.
Toilets for people with disabilities
Toilets for people with disabilities are available in the Printworks building. They all have an alarm pull cord system, and available in both male and female toilets.
We encourage you to bring your own bottle on the day. By using a reusable water bottle, you can significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste generated from single-use plastic cups or bottles.
Use of Electrical Equipment
Power is available in foyer areas of the Printworks Building. If you require a power supply for medical reasons during the event please notify a staff member so they can assist you.
Fire & Emergency
The Printworks staff are fully trained in evacuation procedures for those with limited mobility. In the event of an evacuation you will be escorted to the nearest refuge by a staff member.